mardi 28 décembre 2010

Plastic made dreams

I remember that picture. I was helping Aqilah do her Maths work because she was late to go somewhere. Rou Hui and Hannah just pulled me in. Pictures are awesome. Especially with them. And no matter how candid, they always look great.
I've got to get back to school to see people worth seeing.
Guess what, I've done my homework.
Not all but I'm getting there before the week ends.
I promise.
Band starts tomorrow.
The new year starts on Saturday.
School starts........soon

I closed down my Facebook. In fact, I just gave my password to someone so that he can change it and I won't know the password. At least people know that I still exist.

dimanche 26 décembre 2010

Hello, we are...

Are you ever going to talk? It's like we know each other but at the same time, we don't. I r o n i c.

The sun'll come out, tomorrow.

And yes, I am still awake. Good morning online journal named Through the Veins of History. I just watched funny videos and one, unfortunately, involving a little boy - okay maybe not so little... He's my age - who has this rare disease that only 1000 people worldwide has.

He so-calls lip syncs and he does look quite loony but it's sad how people give him horrid comments about his singing and lip syncing. It's quite mean for the fact that he already doesn't lead a normal life like the commentators do and probably uses Youtube as a platform to express himself. It's quite disappointing how cynical people can be these days and it doesn't mean I don't include myself in it. I have to admit I am.

You see, humans work in a very weird and, well, weird way. No matter how much they say,"Don't judge a book by it's cover," they still do. That's because the cover is the first thing they see and there is such a phrase,"Make a good impression." Usually the cover makes the impression, the first impression. Only after you read the book = get to know the real deal, then we start to think.

Bottomline, no one thinks before they do something. Only the cautious. But I have to contradict myself because I 'liked' a status on Facebook that said: The daring may not live forever but the cautious will never live at all. So in the end, what should we be? If we are daring then we are foolish but if we are cautious we're just plain stupid. 

I hate things that relates to one another. It makes me feel confused. Confused about who I should be, what I should follow. I like knowing everything. The real deal about everything. Why it works that way and all. Usually what we learn in school we can find in Google but thing is, stuff like this, stuff like life, Google doesn't have it. So we're fucked.

That's why we know so little. We don't even understand the words we speak. I feel lazy to explain that now because I won't make sense and I'll only confuse myself further. 

So good night, or morning whichever you prefer (:

samedi 25 décembre 2010

Sometimes, things get out of hand. But we should always follow the signs

I love this photo I took back in Paris. 
I can post it everywhere and not get bored of it. 


Guess what, I actually finished Biolofuckgy and Chemisfucktry. Amazing achievement. For me that is. All I have now is an essay, two comprehensions, Physics and textbook questions plus a few worksheets here and there.

It's almost the end of twenty-ten. Reflection, I sucked big time this year. But I think I've become a little more focused with my work. Though I really need to buck up. I'm starting to feel dumber everyday.

I've been watching great movies. Eg, High School of the Dead - Bloody awesome anime that is. Best I've ever seen, and I have developed a liking for other shows too. Great way to catch up with media.

mardi 14 décembre 2010

And I quote from

Mitch Hewer favourite phrase in skins,"Ah, Fuck it"

Malaysia truly Asia

Alright, so I ran off to Malaysia once Singapore got too bored. Hopefully I don't have to come back because if I do, it means school's around the corner.

samedi 11 décembre 2010


I think the SS Geog homework is pretty interesting.

samedi 4 décembre 2010

I am nuts

Hello invinsible readers who don't exist.
I have not started my homework at all. I have been procrastinating. A lot. Lately. Oh fuck.