I had a friend. She was a really good friend. She listened to everything I had to say. She listened intently to all my problems. She gave me pertinent advice to overcome some of the many obstacles I faced. All in all, she was there for me when I needed her.
Unfortunately, nothing is ever perfect. I was rather delusional and the whole description regarding her loyalty may be an exaggeration. I always dreamt of us as best friends. She was always the one that I wanted to be with all the time whether it was to eat lunch, sing a few tunes or even have that moment of serenity and silence where nothing else mattered. She was that one entity that could make me or break me. True enough, she broke me. She broke me into many pieces like glass shattering at high frequencies.
The light always shined on her. I represented nothing more than a mere shadow. She took the stage all the time, the limelight reflecting the blue pigments in her iris. Her golden hair always swayed with the wind and to top it all off, her personality was to die for. Everyone wanted to be her. Every living soul wanted parts of her to conjoin with their bodies. Everyone except me. All I wanted was to be a part of her life. Her perfect little barbie doll life.
Until one day, I got tired of everything.
(all characters in this little story were made up. but the story itself, is pretty true)